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Text File | 1994-09-12 | 36.6 KB | 960 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- MDP-8008 Assembler User's Manual
- by
- Ronald T. Kneusel
- 1994
- The MDP-8008 assembler was designed to ease the task of creating programs for
- the MDP-80 simulator. This user manual describes the assembler and how to use
- it to create your own assembly language programs. Basic knowledge of
- programming at the machine or assembler level is assumed.
- This manual, the MDP-8008 assembler, MDP-80 simulator and manual, tutorials, and
- sample programs are copyright, 1994, by Ronald T. Kneusel. Unauthorized
- reproduction or modification in any form is prohibited without prior written
- consent.
- • Chapter 1 - Introduction
- In the beginning there was machine code, and it was not good. Machine
- code is difficult to write, hard to modify, and nearly impossible to
- debug. Life was miserable and the power of the computer was locked in the
- hands of the elite few who could manipulate the machine at its own
- level. Enter assembly language. Assembly language is basically a
- substitution of (relatively) easy to remember mnemonics (alphanumeric
- codes that give some indication of the purpose of an instruction) for the
- difficult to remember numerical instruction codes. Unlike high level
- computer languages, there is a one-to-one correspondence between an
- assembly language instruction and an actual machine instruction. Not
- only are individual machine instructions difficult to remember but the
- numerical value for a particular instruction varies from one address
- mode to another. An assembler allows the programmer to specify both an
- instruction and its address mode in an easy to read form.
- The assembler described below will be of primary use to you as you work
- through the tutorials and on to creating your own programs. This manual
- assumes a basic familiarity with assembly language programming. If this
- is your initial attempt at assembly language it will be helpful to work
- through the tutorial first.
- •• Features
- The MDP-8008 assembler is a fully functional, though simple, two pass assembler.
- Some of its features are listed below:
- * Free-form source code format
- * Unlimited source code size
- * Unlimited label length
- * Optional assembly listing and symbol table
- * Inclusion of useful pseudo instructions, ASC and HEX
- * Special address operators $>$ and $<$
- * Ability to include header files with standard equates
- •• Restrictions
- In order to preserve the simple nature of the assembler some restrictions
- apply. These are:
- * No operand arithmetic
- * All numbers assumed to be hexadecimal
- * Only a single \#ORG permitted per file
- * The special address operators $>$ and $<$ are restricted to labels only
- * All branches are assembled as absolute, not relative
- * All labels assemble as two bytes
- * Zero page instructions assembled only if address is a number
- •• A Sample Session
- The assembler does not contain a built in text editor. In order to
- create programs you will need some form of external text editor.
- If all else fails you can use _TeachText_ which was included with your
- Macintosh. A standard word processor can be used provided the file is saved
- as a TEXT file. If you are using System 7 or Multifinder, you can run both
- the assembler and your text editor and quickly switch between the two.
- This creates a rapid development environment in which changes to the source
- program can be quickly assembled and errors corrected.
- ••• Creating `Hello.ASM'
- Using a text editor, enter the following sample assembly language
- program and save it as `Hello.ASM'. This is the famous "Hello, world!"
- example.
- ; Hello.world - Displays "Hello, world!"
- #include std.equ ; Standard monitor equates
- #org 1000 ; Program begins at address 1000 (hexadecimal)
- ; Begin program
- lda >message ; put high byte of MESSAGE in A
- ldx <message ; put low byte of MESSAGE in X
- jsr _print ; monitor routine to print string
- rts ; pointed to by A and X
- .message asc 'Hello, world!' ; here is the string
- hex 0d00 ; 0d is return, 00 ends the string
- ; end
- ••• Assembling `Hello.ASM'
- Open the assembler application and select "Assemble File" from the
- "File" menu. A standard Macintosh open file dialog will appear. Use
- it to select the file _Hello.ASM_. The assembler will respond with
- another dialog box asking for a name to give to the assembled output file.
- Notice that the assembler has changed the .ASM suffix into .OBJ, this is
- the standard suffix for an assembled file. Other possible suffixes
- include .LST for an assembly listing and .SYM for a symbol table.
- Clicking the _Okay_ button will cause the file to be assembled.
- During the first pass the assembler locates the labels used by
- the program. In the second pass it generates the output file. A `.'
- is displayed for each line of the source program that is read. If there
- are no assembly errors it will report that assembly is complete and
- indicate the number of lines in the source file, as well as the starting and
- ending memory addresses. Errors are indicated by the corresponding line
- number in the source program. Assuming no errors, the program is assembled
- and the file Hello.OBJ is ready to be loaded into the simulator and run.
- ••• Modifying `Hello.ASM'
- Suppose we want to modify our program to print the text in the middle of
- a clear screen. To accomplish this we will need to use two new subroutines,
- one in the system monitor and the other of our own design. After the last
- line in the file include the following code:
- .down lda #0d ; the return character
- .again jsr _cout ; monitor print character routine
- dey ; decrease count
- bne again ; if not zero print again
- rts
- This will print Y blank lines where Y is the current value of the Y
- register. We will call this routine with Y set to 10 after clearing the
- screen. After the begin program comment include the following:
- lda #0c ; 0C=12, clears the screen
- jsr _cout ; monitor routine
- ldy #0a ; load 10 into Y
- jsr down ; and call our routine
- Lastly, we want to print 35 blank spaces before displaying the message.
- Fortunately, there exists a monitor routine to do this for us. After the
- call to the subroutine _down_ enter the following:
- ldx #23 ; X holds count
- jsr _blanks ; print the blanks
- The final modified program should appear as below:
- ; Hello.world - Displays "Hello, world!"
- #include std.equ ; Standard monitor equates
- #org 1000 ; Program begins at address 1000 (hexadecimal)
- ; Begin program
- lda #0c ; 0C=12, clears the screen
- jsr _cout ; monitor routine
- ldy #0a ; load 10 into Y
- jsr down ; and call our routine
- ldx #23 ; X holds count
- jsr _blanks ; print the blanks
- lda >message ; put high byte of MESSAGE in A
- ldx <message ; put low byte of MESSAGE in X
- jsr _print ; monitor routine to print string
- rts ; pointed to by A and X
- .message asc 'Hello, world!' ; here is the string
- hex 0d00 ; 0d is return, 00 ends the string
- .down lda #0d ; the return character
- .again jsr _cout ; monitor print character routine
- dey ; decrease count
- bne again ; if not zero print again
- rts
- ; end
- Using the same procedure as before, assemble the modified file replacing
- the earlier version of `Hello.OBJ'. Load this version into the simulator
- and run it.
- • Chapter 2 - The Assembler Program
- The assembler is completely menu driven and is designed to be as simple
- as possible. There are three menus: File, Edit, and Options. The Edit
- menu is for desk accessories and is disabled.
- •• The File Menu
- The File menu is used to choose a file to assemble or to quit the
- application. The first menu item `Assemble File...' will bring up a
- standard Macintosh dialog box allowing the user to select a source file
- to assemble. If the file selected ends with `.ASM' the assembler will
- strip it before appending any other extensions.
- •• The Options Menu
- Use the "Options" menu to select where, or if, the assembler will send
- the assembly listing or symbol table. The currently active options are
- indicated by a checkmark. Initially, the assembler is set for no listing
- and no symbol table. Selecting any of the options activates it and places
- a checkmark next to it. Only one option can be active at a time.
- •• The Assembly Listing
- The assembly listing contains both the original source code and the
- machine code. An assembly listing for the file `Hello.ASM' appears as,
- 2-
- 4-
- 6-
- 8-
- 9- 1000: A9 0C LDA #0C ; 0C=12, CLEARS THE SCREEN
- 10- 1002: 20 F8 76 JSR _COUT ; MONITOR ROUTINE
- 11- 1005: A6 0A LDY #0A ; LOAD 10 INTO Y
- 12- 1007: 20 10 26 JSR DOWN ; AND CALL OUR ROUTINE
- 13- 100A: A8 23 LDX #23 ; X HOLDS COUNT
- 18- 1016: 60 RTS ; POINTED TO BY A AND X
- 19- 1017: 48656C6C6F2C20776F726C6421 .MESSAGE ASC 'Hello, world!' ; HERE IS THE STRING
- 20- 1024: 0D00 HEX 0D00 ; 0D IS RETURN, 00 ENDS THE STRING
- 25- 102F: 60 RTS
- 26-
- 27- ; END
- 28-
- The line number is followed by the actual address and machine code that
- correspond to the instruction listed. Note that all assembler input is
- mapped to uppercase characters.
- The options concerning the assembly listing are straightforward. The
- listing can be sent to the terminal (List to terminal), to a file
- on disk (List to file), or directly to the printer (List to printer).
- Listing directly to the printer is rather slow, so be patient.
- If _List to file_ is selected the assembler will create a file with the
- same name as the source file plus a `.LST' extension. This file is a
- standard TEXT file and has the format given above. You can read this file
- into any text editor, though the file will have the creator
- `ALFA' and will look for the Shareware editor Alpha by Peter Keleher when
- double-clicked. Alpha is an excellent editor and is highly recommended as
- a companion to the assembler and simulator.
- ••• The Symbol Table
- The symbol table is a list of the labels defined in an assembly language
- program. Labels are created in one of three ways: (1) by an #EQU
- statement, (2) by prefixing an instruction line with `.label' where
- `label' is the label that will reference that line, or (3) by using an
- #INCLUDE to include a file of equates (such as the file STD.EQU which
- contains the equates for the system monitor). During the first pass of
- the assembler all labels are identified and the location they reference
- is determined. The second pass then uses this information to fill in the
- proper addresses for creating the output file.
- The symbol table for the program `Hello.ASM' appears as,
- Symbol Table
- [0200] KOUT [0201] CSTB [0202] KBDS [0203] KEYB
- [0100] STAK [FFFD] COLD [FFFA] BREAK [0300] TEXT
- [F800] _MON [F830] VERSION [F832] _MON1 [F851] _BRK
- [F876] _COUT [F87D] _KEYIN [F884] _INPUT [F889] _INPUT1
- [F928] _UPPER [F92C] _UPPER1 [F952] _KILLB [F956] _KILLB1
- [F9E1] _NUMBER1 [FA50] _ADD16 [FF7F] _REG [FFD8] _BLANKS
- [1017] MESSAGE [1026] DOWN [1028] AGAIN
- Note that there are far more symbols present than the few defined in the
- program itself. This is due to the #INCLUDE STD.EQU statement which
- includes the symbols for the more important and useful system monitor
- routines. The assembler does not differentiate between #INCLUDEd symbols
- and symbols created in the program. The value in square brackets is the
- address associated with the symbol whose name follows. By convention, all
- system monitor subroutines have the `_' character as the first character in
- the symbol name. The individual subroutines are discussed in _The System
- Monitor via Assembly Language_ chapter.
- Symbol table options include sending the table to the terminal (Table to
- terminal), to a file (Table to file), or to the printer (Table to printer).
- As with the assembly listing, sending the table to the printer is rather slow.
- If "Table to file" is selected and there is no assembly listing or
- the listing is not being sent to a file the assembler will prompt you for
- a file name. By default it will choose the name of the source file plus
- a `.SYM' extension. If both "List to file" and "Table to file" are selected
- the symbol table will be automatically appended to the end of the listing file
- and no `.SYM' file will be created.
- • Chapter 3 - Assembler Instruction Format
- An assembly language source file will contain several elements, some
- mandatory, others optional:
- * Assembler directives
- * Labels (or symbols)
- * Mnemonics (instruction codes)
- * Operands
- * Comments and white space
- * Special forms
- •• Assembler directives
- The MDP-8008 assembler understands only three types of directives:
- #EQU, #ORG, and #INCLUDE. These are not instructions but are a way
- of providing the assembler with information about the source file. They
- typically appear near the beginning of a program before any actual
- instructions. This is not a requirement, however, since the assembler uses
- two passes the directives may appear anywhere without restriction.
- •• #EQU
- The #EQU (equate) directive may appear anywhere and is used to bind an address
- to a symbol. The format is:
- #EQU `label' `address'
- Where `label' is the symbol being defined and `address' is the address
- bound to `label'. The symbol must begin with a letter of the alphabet or
- the `_' character, which, by convention, is reserved for system monitor
- routines. If a symbol is defined more than once an assembler warning
- error is generated and the initial binding is used. This usually results
- in garbage when the program is run. The address bound to the symbol must
- be a valid hexadecimal number and in the range 0000 to FFFF.
- •• #ORG
- The #ORG (origin) directive determines the address at which to begin
- assembling the program. The format is:
- #ORG `address'
- Where `address' must be a valid hexadecimal number in the range 0000 to
- FFFF. If there is more than one #ORG statement in a file the last one
- read will be used as the starting address. If no #ORG is specified the
- assembler defaults to the address 0400.
- The #INCLUDE directive specifies the name of a file that may only contain
- comments, white space, and valid #EQU statements. The format is:
- #INCLUDE `file'
- Where `file' is the name of the file to be included. If no pathname is
- specified the file is assumed to be in the same folder as the assembler
- application. #INCLUDE is useful when a series of programs will be using
- the same equates. The assembler comes with the file STD.EQU which
- contains equates for the more useful system monitor routines. Any number
- of #INCLUDE statements can be in a file. The assembler will read all
- the files before proceeding further.
- •• Labels
- Much of the power of an assembler comes from its ability to use labels
- (symbols) in place of actual addresses. This frees the programmer to
- make alterations without concerning himself or herself with the effect on
- the rest of the program. For the MDP-8008 assembler a label
- is defined as: any string of characters whose first character is a letter
- of the alphabet (or `_') and does not contain any white space (spaces or
- tabs). There is no practical limit to the length of a label.
- In use, a label may be substituted anywhere an address would belong.
- When binding a label to an instruction precede it with a `.' (period):
- lda >string
- .string asc 'This is a string'
- If the assembler encounters a multiply defined label it will use the
- value of the first binding and ignoring subsequent definitions.
- •• Mnemonics
- Mnemonics are the three letter labels used by the assembler to represent
- the actual microprocessor instructions. It is far easier to remember that
- LDA means to `load the accumulator' than to remember the hexadecimal
- number A9. A complete outline of the instruction set for the MDP-8008
- microprocessor is given below. Many instructions permit multiple addressing
- modes which the assembler indicates in the operand field. All
- MDP-8008 mnemonics are three letters in length. In addition to the
- actual instructions the assembler recognizes two pseudo-mnemonics, ASC
- and HEX. These are used to assemble ASCII strings and hexadecimal data
- into a file. Their format is described in the section on _Special forms_.
- •• Operands
- The mnemonic determines the instruction while the operand (what the
- instruction operates on) determines the address mode. There are seven
- possible addressing modes for the MDP-8008 and two assembler pseudo modes,
- each with a different operand format. The modes are:
- * immediate
- * implied
- * absolute
- * absolute indexed
- * indirect absolute
- * zero page
- * relative
- * > and < (pseudo)
- ••• Immediate mode
- Immediate mode instructions are two bytes in length and are indicated
- by a # as the first character of the operand field. For example,
- .nothing lda #A4 ; put the value A4 into the accumulator
- Note that there is no space between the # and the data.
- ••• Implied mode
- Implied mode is for single byte instructions that require no data.
- Indicate this to the assembler by using no operand field:
- .label tax ; transfer the accumulator to X
- ••• Absolute mode
- Absolute mode instructions are three bytes in length (two bytes for an
- address) and are indicated by a `$' preceding the address value. If a
- symbol is being used do not use a `$'. For example,
- lda $1e39 ; load the value in $1e39 into A
- sta data ; and put it in the address bound to `data'
- ••• Absolute Indexed mode
- Functionally the same as the absolute mode with the addition of the
- characters `,x' at the end of the operand field. Example,
- lda $1e39,x ; load the value in $1e39+X into A
- sta data,x ; and put it in the address bound to `data'+X
- ••• Indirect Absolute mode
- This mode is indicated by enclosing the address in parentheses and
- appending `,x' at the end of the operand field. Again, numerical addresses
- must be prefixed by the `$' character. Example,
- lda ($1e39),x ; indirect load of A
- sta (data),x ; store indirectly
- ••• Zero Page mode
- The microprocessor can take advantage of the implied 00 in addresses
- below 0100. This is called the zero page and instructions using it
- require only two bytes instead of three. The assembler forces all labels
- to be two bytes so the only way to use zero page instructions is by
- giving a numerical address. Zero page is indicated by a `$' as absolute
- mode is, but the address given is only two digits long:
- lda $1e ; load the value in $1e into A
- ••• Relative mode
- The assembler does not directly support relative mode branching
- instructions. All branches are assembled as absolute references.
- ••• > and < pseudo modes
- The special pseudo modes > and < must be used with a label, not a
- numerical address. The > before the label is translated by the
- assembler into an immediate mode instruction whose data byte is the most
- significant byte of the address of the label. The < translates into
- the least significant byte of the address. Examples,
- lda >string ; load MSB of `string' into A
- ldx <string ; load LSB of `string' into X
- .string asc 'a string'
- ••• Comments and White Space
- Comments start with a semicolon and continue to the end of the line. Copious
- use of comments is strongly encouraged. White space is defined as blank
- spaces or tab characters. Blank lines are also permitted. There must be
- at least one space or tab between the parts of a line, but leading or
- trailing white space is ignored.
- ••• Special Forms
- The special forms used pertain to the ASC and HEX pseudo
- instructions. The ASC instruction expects a string of characters
- delimited by single quotes. The HEX instruction expects a series
- of hexadecimal bytes, each of two digits (include leading zero) and with
- no spaces between them. Examples for each are,
- asc 'this is a string' ; use single quotes
- hex 000102030405060708 ; no spaces allowed
- Both ASC and HEX are very useful for placing character data into a
- program.
- • Chapter 4 - The System Monitor via Assembly Language
- The simulator's built in system monitor program occupies the 2K of memory
- from F800 to FFFF and contains the routines necessary to make it possible
- to enter, execute, and modify machine language programs. It also
- contains a number of useful routines for printing strings and numbers,
- entering data, and converting strings to numbers. The file STD.EQU which
- is included with the assembler contains equates to many of these subroutines.
- #INCLUDEing this file at the beginning of your programs will make these
- routines available to you. This chapter will discuss many of these routines,
- giving examples and noting side-effects.
- _COUT F876 Output character in A
- Description: Displays the character whose ASCII code is stored in the
- accumulator.
- Registers altered: None.
- Example:
- lda #41 ; ASCII code for `A'
- jsr _cout ; print the letter
- _KEYIN F87D Input character from keyboard
- Description: Waits for a key to be pressed and places the ASCII value in
- the accumulator.
- Registers altered: A.
- Example:
- jsr _keyin ; get a character
- jsr _cout ; and echo it back
- _INPUT F87D Input a line of text, with prompt
- _INPUT1 F889 Input a line of text, no prompt
- Description: Inputs a line of text. Characters are stored starting at location
- 0300. Backspace and delete keys work as normal. X holds the
- length on exit.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- Example:
- jsr _input ; get a line of text
- lda 0300 ; check first character
- cmp #41 ; compare to `A'
- beq Acommand ; if so, then branch
- _PRINT F8D2 Print a null terminated string
- Description: Displays the null terminated string the address of which is in
- A (MSB) and X (LSB).
- Registers altered: A, X.
- Example:
- lda >string ; get MSB of address of string
- ldx <string ; get LSB of address of string
- jsr _print ; print the string
- .string asc 'a string' ; a string
- hex 00 ; null terminates string
- _PRINTHEX F8E9 Print A as a hexadecimal number
- Description: Display the accumulator as a two digit hexadecimal number.
- Registers altered: A.
- Example:
- lda #2D ; load a number
- jsr _printHex ; displays `2D' on the screen
- _PRINTWORD F920 Print AX as a four digit hexadecimal number
- Description: Displays AX as a four digit number. A holds the high part,
- X holds the low.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- Example:
- lda #33 ; load the high part
- ldx #44 ; load the low part
- jsr _printWord ; outputs `3344'
- _UPPER F928 Convert a string to uppercase
- Description: Converts the null terminated string starting at the address in
- AX to uppercase.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- Example:
- lda >string ; get MSB of address of string
- ldx <string ; get LSB of address of string
- jsr _upper ; make it uppercase
- lda >string
- ldx <string
- jsr _print ; print the string giving `A STRING'
- .string asc 'a string' ; a string
- hex 00 ; null terminates string
- _KILLB F952 Remove the blanks from a string
- Description: Removes the blanks from the null terminated string that starts
- at the address in AX.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- Example:
- lda >string ; get MSB of address of string
- ldx <string ; get LSB of address of string
- jsr _killB ; remove blanks
- lda >string
- ldx <string
- jsr _print ; outputs 'astring'
- .string asc 'a string' ; a string
- hex 00 ; null terminates string
- _LENGTH F989 Find the length of a string
- Description Returns in X the length of the null terminated string pointed to
- by 06 and 07.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- Example:
- lda >string ; get MSB of address of string
- ldx <string ; get LSB of address of string
- jsr _length ; get length
- txa ; put in A
- jsr _printHex ; outputs `08'
- .string asc 'a string' ; a string
- hex 00 ; null terminates string
- _NUMBER F9DD Convert a string to a number
- Description: Converts the null terminated string in AX into a 16-bit hexadecimal
- number stored in 01 and 02.
- Registers altered: A, X, and Y.
- Example:
- #equ text 0300 ; text input buffer
- jsr _input ; get a number
- lda >text
- ldx <text
- jsr _number ; convert it
- lda $01
- ldx $02
- jsr _printWord ; display it
- _REG FF7F Display current register values
- Description: Displays the current register values.
- Registers altered: None.
- Example:
- jsr _reg ; output registers
- _BLANKS FFD8 Output blank spaces
- Description: Displays blank spaces, count in X.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- Example:
- ldx #0D ; set up for 13 blanks
- jsr _blanks ; and print them
- • Chapter 5 - Glossary
- Accumulator - is the register that the microprocessor uses for math
- and logic functions.
- Address mode - refers to the way in which a particular microprocessor
- instruction uses the computer's memory. The MDP-8008 has seven possible
- address modes though not all modes are available to each instruction.
- ASCII - stands for American Standard Code for Information
- Interchange. It is a method for coding the alphabet and other symbols in
- a machine usable form. The letter `A' has an ASCII value of 65.
- Assembler - translates programs written using mnemonics and labels into
- pure machine code for use by the microprocessor.
- Bit - is the smallest unit of information a computer can use. It is
- a single binary digit, 0 or 1, on or off.
- Byte - is a series of 8 bits and is the smallest unit of memory for
- most computers. A single ASCII character occupies one byte of memory.
- Equate - binds a symbol to an address. It is similar to defining a
- constant in other programming languages. For example, "#equ start
- 0400" will bind the symbol `start' to the address 0400.
- Hexadecimal - Base 16 number system. Digits range from 0 through 9 and
- A through F with A=10 and F=15. Most machine code programming is
- done in hexadecimal. The MDP-8008 assembler assumes all numbers to be
- hexadecimal.
- Include file - is a file containing equates that may be included in
- an assembly language program. The file STD.EQU is included with the
- assembler and contains equates for useful monitor subroutines.
- Label - is a character string associated with a machine address. It
- is identical in meaning to _symbol_.
- List file - holds the assembly listing. The listing gives the
- assembled code along with the original source and optionally includes the
- symbol table.
- Machine code - is the native tongue of a microprocessor. It is
- purely numerical and is generally represented as hexadecimal numbers.
- MDP-80 - is the name of the microcomputer simulator that runs
- programs written in MDP-8008 machine code.
- MDP-8008 - is the microprocessor for which the assembler generates
- machine code. It is the heart of the MDP-80 microcomputer simulator.
- Monitor - is the program burned into the ROM of a microcomputer. It
- lets the user modify memory and run machine language programs.
- Object file - is the output from the assembler. It contains machine
- code in a format that is usable by the simulator.
- Pseudo instructions - are instructions that while not part of the
- actual microprocessor instruction set are simulated by the assembler.
- The ASC and HEX instructions are pseudo instructions.
- Register - is a single byte storage space on the microprocessor. The
- MDP-8008 has three user registers, the accumulator (A), the X, and Y.
- Simulator - is the program that simulates the operations of a small
- microcomputer.
- Source file - is the file that contains the assembly language
- program. It is used by the assembler to generate the object file.
- Symbol - see label above.
- Symbol table - is a list of all of the symbols used in a particular
- program and the address bound to that symbol.
- Word - is the standard unit used by a particular microprocessor. An
- 8-bit microprocessor uses one byte words. A 32-bit microprocessor uses 4
- byte words. In the assembler and simulator, a word generally refers to a
- 16-bit, or 2 byte, value.
- • Chapter 6 - MDP-8008 Reference
- The MDP-8008 microprocessor has 52 instructions and 7 addressing modes.
- A summary of the MDP-8008 instruction set is given in the Simulator User's
- Manual.
- •• MDP-8008 addressing modes
- An instruction's addressing mode determines the way in which the
- instruction will access and use memory. The seven modes supported by the
- MDP-8008 are implied, immediate, absolute, absolute indexed, zero page,
- relative, and indirect indexed.
- Implied addressing
- The implied address in implied addressing is the accumulator. Implied
- mode is used by single byte instructions that only act on the accumulator
- and do not reference memory.
- Immediate addressing
- The value used in immediate mode addressing is the next byte of the
- program, or the first operand. The target of the instruction is one of
- the microprocessor's registers. For example, LDA #FF loads the
- accumulator with the immediate value FF.
- Absolute addressing
- An 8-bit microprocessor like the MDP-8008 can access a total of 65536
- memory locations. It therefore takes two bytes to represent the address
- of any memory location. Absolute addressing uses two operand bytes (the
- first two bytes of the program following the byte containing the opcode)
- to represent the address of a memory location. For example, STA $1E37 will
- store the contents of the accumulator in memory location 1E37.
- Absolute indexed addressing
- Similar to absolute addressing, absolute indexed addressing uses as a
- target address the value obtained when the address represented by the
- operand bytes is added to the current value of the X register. If the X
- register contains 14 and the instruction is STA $1E38,X the contents of the
- accumulator will be stored in location 1E38 + 14 = 1E4C. Absolute indexed
- addressing is particularly useful when dealing with lists.
- Indirect indexed addressing
- The target address in indirect index addressing is found by taking the
- absolute address in the operands, reading the two byte address that
- starts at the given address and adding the contents of the X register to
- get the final address. For example, suppose the instruction being
- executed (in assembly form) is LDA ($2E33),X. If the values stored
- in memory locations 2E33 and 2E34 are 14 and 1C and the current value of
- the X register is A4 then the accumulator will be loaded with the contents
- of location 141C + A4 = 14C0.
- Zero page addressing
- Zero page addressing takes advantage of the fact that the first 256
- memory locations can be addressed in a single byte (00 to FF).
- Therefore, all instructions using the zero page are only two bytes long,
- which can add up to a significant savings if frequently used locations
- are in the zero page.
- Relative addressing
- Only the branch instructions use relative addressing. Instead of
- specifying an absolute location in memory, a relative address is a
- positive or negative offset from the current address. The use of
- relative addressing allows one to write code that will run at any
- location in memory. Relative addressing uses one operand and as a result
- can reference locations that are -128 to +127 bytes from the current
- location. The MDP-8008 assembler does not support relative addressing.
- •• MDP-8008 instruction names
- Label Name
- --------------------------------------
- ADC Add to accumulator with carry
- AND AND accumulator with memory
- BCC Branch on carry clear
- BCS Branch on carry set
- BEQ Branch on equal or zero
- BGT Branch on greater than
- BLT Branch on less than
- BNE Branch on not equal or not zero
- BNG Branch on negative set
- BPL Branch on positive (not negative)
- BRA Unconditional relative branch
- BRK Break
- CLC Clear carry flag
- CMP Compare accumulator to memory
- CPX Compare X register to memory
- CPY Compare Y register to memory
- DCA Decrement accumulator by one
- DEC Decrement memory by one
- DEX Decrement X register by one
- DEY Decrement Y register by one
- EOR Exclusive-OR accumulator with memory
- INA Increment accumulator by one
- INC Increment memory by one
- INX Increment X register by one
- INY Increment Y register by one
- JMP Jump to address
- JSR Jump to subroutine at address
- LDA Load the accumulator with memory
- LDX Load the X register with memory
- LDY Load the Y register with memory
- LSH Bit shift accumulator left, no carry
- NOP No operation
- ORA OR accumulator with memory
- PHA Push accumulator on stack
- PHP Push processor status on stack
- PLA Pull accumulator from stack
- PLP Pull processor status from stack
- ROL Rotate accumulator to the left with carry
- ROR Rotate accumulator to the right with carry
- RSH Bit shift accumulator right, no carry
- RTS Return from subroutine
- SBC Subtract memory from accumulator with carry
- SEC Set carry flag
- STA Store accumulator in memory at address
- STX Store X register in memory at address
- STY Store Y register in memory at address
- TAX Transfer accumulator to X register
- TAY Transfer accumulator to Y register
- TSX Transfer stack pointer to X register
- TXA Transfer X register to accumulator
- TXS Transfer X register to stack pointer
- TYA Transfer Y register to accumulator